Note: Users must have a Recipe for their RTD already built in Dx5 before attempting this process. A how-to guide on building RTD Recipes in Dx5 can be reviewed here: Setup: Create New RTD Recipe (Read Time: 4 mins).
From Operations > Overview, locate the Batch active in Bulk Processing and click the underlined Batch Type name to enter the Batch Details page.
From the Batch Details page:
- Navigate to Batch Actions > Add Materials
- From the Add Option menu, select "Run Recipe" and choose the applicable Recipe from the drop-down menu.
- On the Run Recipe form, enter a Run Date/Time to reflect when this Recipe was applied.
- Confirm the Recipe Materials and Material Amounts displayed below:
- If a Dx5 Recipe is set to Scale and is being applied to a Processing Batch Volume which is different from the Baseline Batch Volume on the Recipe, observe Scaling. Dx5 will present a system message indicating the following materials have been adjusted to the current batch size (% Scale of Baseline Batch Volume).
- If a Dx5 Recipe is applied to the exact Baseline Batch Volume, confirm Materials and Material Amounts.
- If a Material Amount needs to be edited further, click into the Unit field and overwrite the Recipe's value with your own.
- If a Dx5 Recipe is set to Scale and is being applied to a Processing Batch Volume which is different from the Baseline Batch Volume on the Recipe, observe Scaling. Dx5 will present a system message indicating the following materials have been adjusted to the current batch size (% Scale of Baseline Batch Volume).
- If Batch Type Modifier is applied, users will see a message asking them to confirm the Batch Type edit running the Recipe will make.
*The Batch Type Modifier's system message states "This formula is configured..."; it is generic and displays the Formula reference even when a Recipe is being ran.*
- The Recipe's Batch Type Modifier should be set up in a way which won't require further edits, but if users do need to revise the Starting or Ending Batch Types they can via the drop-down menus available for each.
- Confirm the Recipe Materials and Material Amounts displayed below:
- Click Run Recipe to apply the Recipe, or Cancel Recipe if you don't wish to run it at this time.
Once a Recipe has been successfully ran, users can view the application in their Batch History tables on the Batch Details page.
Note: Users applying Recipes will not see automatic Volume/Alcohol Content changes occur on their source Batches after Recipe application. Since adding liquids or sugars to alcohol can yield different results in terms of Volume/Alcohol Content changes, users will be required to gauge their spirit after Recipe application on-site and enter their gauge results into Dx5.
Once the Bulk Spirit + Materials + Water has been accurately gauged on-site, simply Recalibrate the source Batch via Batch Actions > Recalibrate to provide Dx5 with the gauge results. A resource on Recalibrating can be viewed here: Operations: Recalibrate Batch (Read Time: 2 mins). A Gain/Loss will likely display based on the results of the gauge - users with further questions on this process should reach out to Dx5 Support for guidance.
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