Note: Users should have pre-requisite understanding of Dx5 Batch Types before viewing this RTD-specific resource. For a refresher on building Batch Types in Dx5/what Batch Types are, view this video resource: Setup: Create New Batch Type (Video).
Users producing RTDs will still need to build Batch Types to identify and report the liquid involved in RTD manufacture just as they would any other beverage spirit product.
An RTD which uses Bulk Spirit received from another DSP as a base liquid will likely have at least two Batch Types established to identify and report the RTD's liquid at various stages. In this article, we'll build Batch Types for an RTD product which uses NGS received In-Bond as a base as well as the RTD product itself.
- A Batch Type should be built first for the base liquid to be received In-Bond; this Batch Type should be considered "Step 1" of a cohesive Batch Type setup. An NGS Batch Type build will often look like this:
- The Batch Type is given the name of "NGS" for easy identification in Dx5.
- The Batch Type is enabled in Bulk Storage to allow for the spirit to be received In-Bond, and Bulk Processing so it can be transferred into the account to be used in RTD Processing.
- The Batch Type can also be enabled in the Production account if Re-Distillation will be required for the spirit. In this example, it is not.
- The Batch Type's Reporting Categories are consistent across the Storage and Processing accounts, which is ideal to keep reporting of this liquid's movement in-tact.
Note: A Dx5 Bonded Product will also be required for any spirit received In-Bond. Review the following resource for support with building a Bonded Product: Setup: Add New Bonded Product (Video).
- "Step 2" of this build should be for the RTD itself; once the NGS is processed/formulas are ran on the bulk liquid, a Dx5 Batch Type switch will be needed to update liquid identity and reporting attributes. An RTD Batch Type build using NGS as a base will often look like this:
- The Batch Type is named after the RTD it will identify/report on.
- The Batch Type is enabled only in Bulk Processing and Bottling; the NGS Batch Type will cover spirit receipt and identification until the base is processed.
- When the Batch Type is enabled in Bottling, a Dx5 Finished Product for the RTD should be selected to link the Batch Type with the Finished Product users will be packaging in the system.
- Most RTD Batch Types should be assigned a Spirit Type of "Distilled Spirits Specialty".
- Most RTDs will either report in the Processing account as "Cocktails & Mixed Drinks" or "Cordials, Liqueurs & Specialties".
Note: Users should check in with their local TTB or government agency if they have questions on Reporting Categories for their RTDs. Some questions can be answered in the BAM (Beverage Alcohol Manual); users with additional questions should seek answers on Spirit Types/Reporting Categories directly from their local agencies.
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