Receiving a Purchase Order in DISTILL x 5 allows the user to easily manage their Inventory and capture varying Unit Costs for the same Inventory item. This is critical to keep Batch Costs accurate in Batch Costing enabled systems.
Note: To Receive a Purchase Order, you must first Create a Purchase Order. Follow the steps in this article to Create a New PO: Inventory: Create Supplier Purchase Order (Read Time: 3 mins).
To receive a Purchase Order:
- Navigate to Inventory > Purchase Orders, and review the Active Purchase Orders table.
- Locate the Active PO to be Received, and use the blue quick-action arrows to the right of the PO to select Receive.
- On the Receive Items form, boxes next to the ordered Inventory items should already be checked with full order Quantities and Default Unit Costs displayed.
- If Users are entering a Full Purchase Order receipt, leave the box checked and the order quantity displayed alone to receive all Units.
- If Users are entering a Partial Purchase Order receipt, overwrite the order Quantity and enter only the Unit amount received in the partial shipment.
- Enter the Unit Cost paid for the item. Dx5's Default Unit Cost will be displayed, and should be overwritten and updated if a price paid on the current Receipt differs from the Default. Users can enter up to four decimal places in Unit Cost fields, allowing for more accurate Unit costing.
- Enter the Received Date details for your receipt on each order item.
(image shows a Full Purchase Order receipt with a manual overwrite for an updated Yeast A Unit Cost) - Check Mark as Filled if the entire PO has been received, and select a Fill Date for the Received Items. The Attach Document field is optional and can be used to attach any PDF file to the PO Receipt.
- Note: If Users are entering a Partial Purchase Order receipt, leave the Mark as Filled box un-checked so the Purchase Order remains Active and open to receive the remaining order Quantity in the future.
- Click Receive Items to bring new Inventory into Dx5 with new Unit Cost details.
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