Many transactions in DISTILL x 5 can be reversed by locating the "Undo" icon next to the action while looking at Batch History:
Bottling Runs, however, must be "undone" through the Bottling Log view instead of the Batch History view. Note that a BOTTLING log item has no "undo" available:
Instead, navigate to Operations > Processing and choose the Bottling Records tab:
Locate the bottling run you wish to "undo" and click the blue chevron (down arrow) icon to pop-open Bottling Run commands. The "Undo" option appears:
You'll be prompted with a confirmation page that shows the effect of the "undo" on finished goods inventory, as well as any Raw Materials used in packaging that will be returned to inventory:
The system will inspect your finished good inventory to ensure that all the needed bottles are available for restoration to the original bottling vessel. If you have fewer bottles in bonded inventory than you bottled in this run, the undo will not be allowed. In other words, you can only undo a bottling run when there are sufficient bottles in inventory to return the original liquid volume to the bottling vessel. This means that if you've shipped out orders with those bottles in them, you may have to cancel (unship) those orders before you can undo the bottling run.
Here are some caveats to keep in mind:
- If you used the "Dump Remainder" checkbox when you originally entered the bottling run, that "dump" is not automatically un-done. You have to navigate back to the original batch/tank, locate the "Dump" line item and click "Undo":
- Case Serials will be rolled back automatically so long as you're only using "undo" on the most recent bottling run in your system. If you use "undo" out of order (on a bottling run that isn't your most recent) "last used" case serials will not be rolled back and you will need to make manual adjustments to ensure the correctness and continuity of Case Serials. Review the Case Serials shown in your Bottling Records to ensure there are no gaps, and reset the "Next" Case Serial by navigating to Admin > System Settings:
Then, in the top right, click:
Finally, locate the "Next Case Number" setting and adjust it as needed:
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