Note: For a video resource on cancelling a shipped customer order, please see this article.
To amend an order whose status has been changed to Shipped, you must first Cancel the Shipped order.
To Cancel a Shipped order:
- Navigate to Fulfillment > Orders, and click the Shipped Orders tab
- Click the gold, hyperlinked Order # of the order needing to be updated
- Navigate to Order Actions > Change Status
- Keep the default date/time, click the button for Cancel (shipped inventory will be returned), and Change Status to confirm. Note: The default date/time should be the same as entered when the order was originally marked as Shipped. Keeping the default date/time will ensure that when/if the order is re-shipped, the transaction time is maintained for accurate record keeping.
- This order will now appear in the Cancelled Orders tab from the Fulfillment Orders overview
To re-ship an order after it has been successfully Cancelled:
- Click the Canceled Orders tab from the Fulfillment Orders overview, and open the Order via the gold Order # hyperlink
- Navigate to Order Actions > Change Status. Within the Change Status form, you may re-ship the Order and have your inventory depleted accordingly.
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