Sometimes there's data specific to your business that you need to track seamlessly. Dx5 Custom Metrics and Readings feature makes this easy!
- Metric - a metric is a data point that you will record one time per batch. This could be something such as a final gravity measurement or a timestamp showing how long a particular process took.
- Reading - a reading is measured multiple times per batch. This might be something like routine gravity measurements to check for fermentation completion or tracking temperature on a batch over time.
- Type - this is the data type you will collect:
- Text - this is a free-text field where users can write whatever they need to. This field type has no restrictions
- Numerical - this data type looks for a number. When selecting this, users will have the option to add a unit such as volume, weight, alcohol (ABV or Proof), gravity, temperature, or alcoholvolume (PG or LAA). None can also be selected.
- Yes/No - This is a binary data type that accepts yes or no as options.
- Duration - This allows users to add a time stamp of how long a process took
To add a new Custom Metric or Reading:
- Navigate to Operations > Setup
- Click Setup Actions > Add Metric
- Enter the name of the metric or reading
- Select your data type. Only one data type may be selected at a time
- If numerical, select the unit, if applicable
- Select whether this should be a metric (recorded once) or a reading (recorded multiple times). Refer to definitions above for more information
- Select the stage(s) in which you wish to collect this data
- If desired, you can make these data points required before users can move on in their workflow (e.g. require a Yes/No before a user can complete a Mash/Cook). (Note: Currently this setting only prevents users from completing a Mash/Cook, Fermentation, or Distillation without entering in the associated metric. But our team is planning to expand this functionality in future updates!)
- Once created, these metrics and reading can be added to any batch using Batch Actions > Record
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