Here's how to record your cooks, mashes and fermentations in DISTILL x 5.
If it's your first time recording a cook, mash or fermentation, review these helpful prerequisites for success:
To start the cook, mash or fermentation:
- Navigate to Operations > Overview and click the orange "+ Start New Batch" button in the top-right corner
- Complete the required fields. For example, if you are starting a cook for Bourbon, you might fill the form out like so:
- Or, perhaps you're fermenting sugar, molasses or fruit. No cook involved - you can start that batch right in Fermentation:
- To view a video resource on the above, click here.
To Complete the Mash/Cook stage:
- From the Batch Details page, navigate to Batch Actions > Complete and enter the required details. Enter an initial Gravity reading along with any other Custom Metrics your system is set to require in the Mash/Cook stage.
- Click Complete Batch to save the previous entries.
- Note: Do not select the "Transfer when Complete" option above the Complete Batch button on this form. The next step in this process will detail how to get your volume into the Fermentation stage without initiating a transfer to a new vessel.
- The batch volume will remain in your source vessel, but will display as Complete (flame animation will disappear) in Mash/Cook.
To Stage Switch to Fermentation:
- From the completed Mash/Cook's Batch Details page, navigate to Batch Actions > Stage.
- Enter a Switch Date/Time, and select "Fermentation" as the Destination Stage.
- Select the Batch Type this volume should be categorized under in Fermentation.
- Click Switch Stage.
The volume should appear in the Fermentation stage, within the same source vessel. If animations are on in your system, the active Fermentation will be represented by bubbles around the vessel (see screenshot below):
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